What else?

Besides great trainings, we also offer some insightful readings... 

Leadership related books: 

- for leadership oriented adults:

What is "Humanising Leadership"?

"Humanising Leadership in Risk" is truly a remarkable book that delves into the essence of human-centred leadership. This captivating read is enriched with a plethora of personal anecdotes, catering to a diverse audience across various age groups and not limited to just leaders. The blend of insightful narratives and practical wisdom makes it an invaluable resource for aspiring individuals looking to enhance their leadership skills. 

€ 19.99 for the product + shipping

In order to purchase the book, please contact us at:
[email protected] 

Safety related books:

- for safety oriented adults:

“It Works!" was written for You...

 Why does "It Work"?

This revolutionary book shows a new way of understanding safety and is especially dedicated to all Safety professionals who are tired of traditional approach towards their field of work and wonder how to change things for the better. 
"It Works!" is a book about a transformation in approach to risk and safety. It tells the story of how the Social Psychology of Risk (SPoR) has made a change in an organisation. 
A great read, full of stories from professional and personal spheres of life, where safety is portrayed in a new light 
"It Works!" presents 148 pages of an interesting read not only for safety professionals... 

  € 19.50 for the product + € 10 shipping and handling 

In order to purchase the book, please click below. 

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 Why does "It Work"?


The book “It Works” is co-authored by Brian Darlington and Dr Robert Long, and focuses on the importance of moving some of the focus move away from the traditional safety approach and practices the skills and principles of Social Psychology of Risk.
 It highlights the importance of shifting the focus from traditional risk and safety to one that considers the psychological as well as cultural aspects. As mentioned a couple of times in the book, “There is no need to throw the baby out with the bath water”. However, to make a difference companies need to humanise their approach to risk and safety.
 This is a book about practical ways of improving the way organisations tackle risk and safety as if persons are central in all that is done. Whilst the book spends some time sharing what doesn’t work in risk and safety, it doesn’t get stuck on problems, but rather sets out SPoR methods in which change for the better can make a difference to organisations.
 The book is being launched in Europe and Australia and can be ordered through spor.com.au, by contacting us directly at [email protected] or purchasing it directly through the store...

Have a great read. 

 Why does "It Work"?

This revolutionary book shows a new way of understanding safety and is especially dedicated to all Safety professionals who are tired of traditional approach towards their field of work and wonder how to change things for the better. 
"It Works!" is a book about a transformation in approach to risk and safety. It tells the story of how the Social Psychology of Risk (SPoR) has made a change in an organisation. 
A great read, full of stories from professional and personal spheres of life, where safety is portrayed in a new light 
"It Works!" rpresents 148 pages of an interesting read not only for safety professionals... 


  € 19.50 for the product + shipping 

In order to purchase the book, please click below. 

- for safety savvy kids:

How does safety "work" for Sam and Sue?

This book filled with rhymes that can assist parents in teaching young children on how to be safe at home, when having fun, and in the car and many other places.

€ 5.00 for the product + shipping

In order to purchase the book, please contact us at:
[email protected]